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Infrared Optical Dome Lens

Infrared dome materials need to have a high infrared transmittance, good mechanical properties and environmental characteristics.
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What infrared domes can Yutai Optics process?
Silicon(Si): high transmittance in the 1.2-7µm, high hardness, but high cost.
Germanium(Ge): high transmittance in the 2-16µm, but expensive and fragile.
Zinc Sulfide(ZnS): high transmittance in the 0.4-12µm, resistant to wear.
Zinc Selenide(ZnSe): high transmittance in the 0.5-20µm, suitable for high precision infrared systems.
Sapphire(Al₂O₃): high transmittance in the 0.15-5.5µm, extremely hard for extreme environments.
Magnesium Fluoride(MgF₂): high transmittance in the 0.11-7 µm, corrosion resistant, Yutai Optics has rich experience in processing hot-pressed MgF₂ dome.

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